Welcome Spring!
The time has come to start thinking about sailing and getting ready for the summer.
Saturday, May 11th there will be an important meeting about the WJM/North American's to be followed by the annual Spring Lightning Fleet 12 Party. Join us at 3pm in the Dining Room. Plese consider staying for the Sailor's Dinner which will follow. It promises to be an evening of food, drink and fun. The spring party is open to everyone: Lightning owners, crew, skippers, sailors, those interested in getting involved, as well as friends and family. Attendance is strongly encouraged.
I will once again be organizing practices and coaching for the BCC Junior Lightning team, with the assistance other Fleet 12 Members.
Some Important Dates You Should All Keep In Mind:
- March, 2024 BCC Boat Grant application available
- May 11th, WJM/North American's Meeting: 3pm, Spring Meeting: 4pm-5:30pm Pirate's Den/Porch, Sailor's Dinner to follow
- May 26th, first Lightning Jr. Team practice
- June 1st, first Fleet 12 Saturday race
- June 11th, first Fleet 12 Tuesday race
- July 7th, Canadian Open & Lake Erie District Championship
- July 13th, Sean F. Gregory Pro-Am
- Aug 3rd-6th, WJM North American Championships, BCC
- August 7th-11th, North American Championship, BCC
- Jr. Districts & Hughes Jr. Club Championship, August date to be confirmed
I look forward to seeing you soon and hope to see many of you at the Spring Meeting on May 11th!